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Aleksandra Kabakova is an artist from St Petersburg, Russia, a member of the following organisations: 

- Society of Artists of Botanical Art in Russia (SABA)
- Artists Trade Union of Russia (United Art Rating: A Formed Professional Artist)

Since 2008 working on worldwide commissions, including book and magazine illustrations, greeting cards, CD covers etc.

"Working primarily with pen and ink, the sensitive, young creative’s art is both simplistic and involved – utilising basic shapes and line work to create patterned, black and white graphic works. 
At times her imagery feels melancholic but devoid of cynicism, then carefree & playful whilst always distinctly feminine and delicate". James Watkins

"In my works I would like to show an emotional perception of a glimpse of a life span, its mood and atmosphere. It can be an emotional splash or a total quietness and melancholy, when the wind has abated and all around has stood. I believe that not only people have emotions, but also all the things around us. Slow movement of clouds, shades of trees, soaring of birds, falling of a raindrop, old boats, houses, street lights, electric mains, branches of trees, snag trees and blades of grass create their own special mood of the moment. We can feel their loneliness, sadness, expectation and hope that fleeting mood of a moment which I want to capture. Frequent subjects of my works are trees and a floral subject matter in general. Trees and planrs are similar to people for me as unique, mysterious and beautiful, as people with their individual characters and specific features". Aleksandra Kabakova

You can see my current projects and work in progress on my social media accounts @lexihastra

For inquiries please contact me: